Healthy employees are Safe and Productive…
We can work with you on a custom program that yields results!

Check out some of the offerings below OR contact Molly to work with you and your team to design custom programming.

Food Service Programming

Access to healthy food matters!

Integrate wellness into your workplace cafes, micro markets, and vending. Molly will work with your food service suppliers to create and integrate a custom solution that ensures access to healthy food and supports your wellness culture.

Virtual Cooking Classes

Food is a perfect way to bring people together!

Schedule a virtual cooking workshop for your team featured around nutrient-rich foods. Molly will work with you to select themes and recipes that support your wellness programming.

Suggested session duration: 60 minutes


Nutrition Workshops

Informative and engaging!

Provide your employees with a workshop filled with practical tips and info to support their daily eating routine.

Topic ideas: Beat Heat Stress, Hydration 101, Help Your Heart, Meal Solutions, Blood Sugar Balance.

Food and Nutrition Newsletters

Practical and helpful!

Deliver food and nutrition tips, information, and recipes directly to your employee’s email inboxes. Content can be synced up to support other HR and corporate programming.

Minimum frequency: Monthly